How Can You Go On?

From Dave Black Online:

9:55 AM This post is for anyone who is going through a tough time. Last night I finished reading Sears’ book Gettysburg. Again, I was dumbfounded when I read about Pickett’s Charge. How could soldiers make such a charge? What can propel a man forward against such great odds?

Take the struggle you’re currently facing. “How can I go on? How can I make it? Just look at the odds!”

Are soldiers going into battle scared? I’m sure that every last one of them is. But when the leader says, “All who are afraid, go back now,” almost everyone will go forward. By believing in the values of the group, by identifying with the unit, by following the leader, you overcome your fears.

I feel there is a grave danger today that while we emphasize the new birth we do not give corresponding emphasis to the new life. In our efforts to be seeker-sensitive we attract a great multitude of professed Christians but few disciples. As a consequence, these people do not “go forward” — they do not grow up in Christ, they do not mature but remain children, they do not “enter the fray” that obedience always requires. Too many today avoid the battle under the false guise of “playing it safe.” I have needed to be cured of this illness. I still do. Often I never get any further than my doubts. I live in the bondage of fear and uncertainly. It is a fearful thing to live out the rest of one’s days in the swamp of unbelief.

I once published a study of Heb. 12:1-2. (It’s here in case you’re interested.) The text is emphatic: We Christians must get our eyes off ourselves and others and begin “off-looking unto Jesus.” Faith is but the means to an end. It is the object of our faith that makes all the difference. Yes, I believe in the Gospel of Christ and I trust the Christ of the Gospel. But have I merely come to Christ or have I come after Him in trustful obedience?

Dear friend, it’s time for you and me to awake out of our slumber, because the enemy works while we sleep. Whatever enemy you are facing this day, may God help you to go forward in the confidence that the Commander-in-Chief is there to help and guide you every step of the way.

(From Dave Black Online. David Alan Black is the author of Energion titles Christian Archy, The Jesus ParadigmWhy Four Gospels? and  Will You Join the Cause of Global Missions?. Used by permission.)