Arthur Sido had an anabaptist accident, or something like that.
Category Archives: Links
Making a List
The Jesus Paradigm is #3 on T. C. Robinson’s top seven books he’s read this year. It’s a good list, too!
The Jesus Paradigm Quoted
… at Search the Scripture.
Pray for Dave and Ethiopia Team
Off to the races early tomorrow morning. I’m flying space available to save money, and the flights from Dulles to Frankfurt are all overbooked. Prayers appreciated!
I mean that. We would love to have your prayer support while we’re gone. Not only for the team members but also for the families we leave behind. B and I could not do this unless Nate and Jess were here to take care of the farm and the herds. They are as much of the “team” as we are. Here’s the July 2010 Prayer Itinerary. Feel free to copy and distribute it as the Lord Jesus leads. If God is willing, I will be able to post an update or two here during the trip. If not, we’ll publish full reports of the trip when we return.
Dave and Becky (for the entire Ethiopia 2010 team)
(From Dave Black Online, used by permission.)
The Jesus Paradigm as Book of the Week
The Jesus Paradigm has been selected as book of the week by Energion Publications. This offer is only available via Energion Direct. That means it’s available today and tomorrow for $10 – shipped (within the U. S. + sales tax where applicable). International shipping is just $7.50, or $17.50 shipped during this sale. Sale ends at midnight May 14, 2010.
Blogging/Essay Contest – 21st Century Church
Energion Publications will host a blogging/essay contest. Entries are open immediately and will close November 2, 2009 when Dr. David Alan Black’s new book Christian Archy is released. Judging will take place during the first week of November, and winners will be announced by November 16.
To enter, simply write an essay in answer to the question: What should a congregation following Jesus Christ in ministry look like?
If you are a blogger, post the essay on your blog and link back to this post, then also e-mail just to make sure. We will add your post to the list of those participating. If you are not a blogger, e-mail your essay in either Word document or Open Document Text (OpenOffice) format to and indicate in the e-mail that you are entering the 21st century church contest.
Entries will be judged in the following areas, with each area receiving a score of from one to ten:
- Biblically rooted
- Historically aware
- Complete
- Clear and Concise
- Overall impression, including appearance, discussion generated, and anything one of the judges wants to include
Note that 1 & 2 and 3 & 4 may conflict in the approach of some people. That is why there will be three judges, who come from different theological traditions:
Alan Knox (The Assembling of the Church), a doctoral candidate at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
Geoffrey Lentz (, associate pastor of First United Methodist Church in Pensacola, FL, doctoral student at Drew University, and author of The Gospel According to Saint Luke: A Participatory Study Guide.
Elgin Hushbeck, Jr., author of Evidence for the Bible, Christianity and Secularism, and Preserving Democracy, (all from Energion Publications), and owner of Aletheia Consulting, Inc. Elgin is a member of a Christian Reformed congregation.
Each judge will rate the entries independently. One of our copy editors will also rate the essays, but that rating will only be used to break a tie. Judges will not consider whether or not you use or quote from Energion Publications products or web sites in your post.
The prizes are:
First prize – Free copy of The Jesus Paradigm + two other Energion Publications books, with a $25 gift card for Barnes & Noble
Second prize – Free copy of The Jesus Paradigm + one other Energion Publications book, with a $15 gift card for Barnes & Noble
Third prize – Free copy of The Jesus Paradigm with a $10 gift card for Barnes & Noble
(If you have previously received and reviewed a copy of The Jesus Paradigm you may choose any other book in our catalog as an alternative.)
All other participants get the joy of participating in the discussion, and hopefully a fair amount of link love. All posts regarding this contest will be cross-posted to, and you can comment/link there to enter as well. Feel free to participate in the discussion even if you don’t want to enter the contest.
Note: All prizes will be awarded. Prize winners have no obligation to Energion Publications other than the necessary steps to enter the contest. Judges will be instructed to disregard use or non-use of Energion Publications books and web sites in judging the entries.
Jesus Paradigm Giveaway
Josh Mann of for the Sake of Truth is conducting a contest for a giveaway of one copy of The Jesus Paradigm. All you have to do is head over there and comment on his summary and review of the book.