Worship any Time, any Place

Tuesday, April 10

6:50 AM The light barely breaks through the trees. The sky dances. The sound of chirping begins.

You are bathed in the glory of Creation, in the presence of the Creator. Suddenly you begin to sing praises, not for the enjoyment of others but for your own pleasure and for the glory of God. That’s the Christian life. Spontaneous worship is just that. It’s worship that breaks out any time, any place, like when I washed the dishes this morning or wrote a check to someone or published the blog post you read earlier today. He surrounds us with evidence of His glory and love 24 hours a day, and so we never ever reserve “worship” for an hour on Sunday morning. Open your eyes and He is there, right there, in a sunrise or at the kitchen sink or in your office. A church building can no more confine Him than the entire universe. “God cannot be expressed but only experienced,” wrote Frederick Buechner. “In the last analysis, you can’t pontificate but only point.”

Point away!

(From Dave Black Online. Used by permission.)