One Holy Passion

Monday, September 28

6:45 AM I love to run. You all know that. But read these words:

  • Give me one pure and holy passion
  • Give me one magnificent obsession
  • Give me one glorious ambition for my life
  • To know and follow hard after You.

That’s pretty much life in a nutshell. Wherever I am, whether in the calmness of the farm or the hustle and bustle of Wake Forest, I should be running towards my Savior. That’s the only place I’ll find sure footing.

Meanwhile, I plead with you: Do not get distracted by politics. Keep you eye on the ball. Be kingdom people. Never offer even as much as a pinch of incense to Caesar. Walk in love as Christ loved us. Ask God to bless your enemies. Pray earnestly. Attempt great things for God. Expect great things from him. Reject Laodicean self-sufficiency and complacency. Chose not fleeting fame. Look to Jesus for everything. Combine eager anticipation of his coming with faithful service until his appearance. Refrain your tongue from speaking evil. Hold forth the word of life. Make room in your life for miracles. Translate doctrine into duty. Do not surrender to defeatism. Be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might. Rejoice in the mundane and perfunctory. Check your motives. Face sin and deal with it. Love the truth. When problems come, Hallelujah anyway! One day we will “bring forth the royal diadem and crown him Lord of all.” David’s Son will yet reign where’er the sun doth its successive journeys run. But first he must be King in our hearts.

Today is all we’ve got. Let’s make it a good one and finish what we start.