Reading for a Church Leadership Workshop

11:02 AM On Dec. 4 I will be holding a church leadership workshop in Durham, NC. I thought you might be interested in the reading assignments that must be completed prior to the workshop. If you are interested in the topic, you might want to take a look at them yourself. You can print out the list and check off the boxes as you complete your reading.

□ The Book of Acts.

Essays by Alan Knox:

1. Elders (Part 1) – Introduction

2. Elders (Part 2) – Character

3. Elders (Part 3) – Leadership

4. Elders (Part 4) – Teaching

5. Elders (Part 5) – Shepherding

6. Elders (Part 6) – Overseeing

7. Elders (Part 7) – Conclusion

What does it mean to lead among the church?

How leaders work WITH the church.

When a leader is just one person among the church.

When elders/pastors don’t have to act like employees.

By working like this.

Why I’m glad not to be that kind of pastor.

Pastoral worries.

Leadership is not decision-making.

When equippers don’t equip.

Essays by Arthur Sido

Resumes and ministry.

Pastor principal professional pay.

Knowledge, edification, and worship.  

Preaching the Word is not just for pastors.

Essays by Dave Black

Paul’s “Thankless Thanks” in Phil. 4:10-20

What Does a New Testament Church Look Like?

The Rule of Paul

The Thessalonian Road to Self-Support

Sacerdotalism Or Every-Member Ministry?

Recovering Paul’s Perspective on Pastoral Leadership

Companionate Leadership

Church as Meetinghouse

Greener-Pasture Pastors

Why We Must Insist On Every-Member Ministry

Building Christ’s Church: His Way or Mine?

Booklet by Alexander Strauch

Biblical Eldership