The Jesus Paradigm - Front Cover

The Jesus Paradigm

The Jesus Paradigm challenges modern Christians to become completely sold-out followers of Jesus, to make ministry and mission the work of every believer, and to give their primary allegiance to the kingdom of God rather than to any nation, political party, or movement.

At a time when Christianity is often identified with nationalism, a political party, a particular denomination, or even an isolated small group, Dave Black looks to the Anabaptists and their call not for reform, renewal, or revival in the church, but for rebuilding. He echoes that call to Christians today. From church structure to national government, from the personal economic responsibility in the marketplace to parental responsibility in raising children, from torture and militarism by our government to hierarchical authority in our churches, he calls for Christians to look for their answers in the person and message of Jesus, revealed in scripture.

“The author told me that nobody will really be happy with this book,” said Henry Neufeld, owner of Energion Publications. “I’ve read it, and I agree. In fact, I expect it to offend some people. That may sound like an odd thing for a publisher to say about a forthcoming book. But sometimes offense is needed when we have gotten far enough off track. What I do expect is that readers will find it challenging, informative, and above all convicting. I did. You may be annoyed, but you won’t be bored.”

See the Table of Contents.


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The Jesus Paradigm: A Book that will set you on a downward path