To build the kind of church Jesus envisioned in John 17 we must help our people realize that it is not about us or about our church. It’s about His kingdom, a kingdom that centers around Christ’s glorious act of self-sacrifice. If we think we can present the Gospel without surrendering and forsaking everything in us, then we have not understood the Gospel.
Discipleship far beyond Mere Lip Service
From DaveBlackOnline (April 8, 2009, 7:52 AM):
The basic thesis of my new book The Jesus Paradigm is that discipleship goes far beyond mere lip service. Like Bonhoeffer, I seek to emphasize Nachfolge — the German title of Bonhoeffer’s Cost of Discipleship. The German word simply means discipleship. Followers of Jesus Christ are expected to, well, “follow” Him! As Bonhoeffer puts it, “Only the believer is obedient, and only the obedient person believes.” (The German original is fantastic: “Nur der Glaubende ist gehorsam, und nur der Gehorsame glaubt.”) Declared righteousness ALWAYS produces practical righteousness if it is genuine.
Welcome and Open Discussion
The Jesus Paradigm web site is designed specifically to help carry out the mission of the book by the same name.
What do I mean when I say that this book has a mission? It’s simple. It’s author wrote it in fulfillment of the gospel commission. I’m publishing it for the same reason.
There are many things that get written about a book as it is released. There are press releases, a catalog page, reviews, and commentary. But this site is different from all of them. Everything here is about this book and what it means for Christians. I believe that Dr. Black has presented some material that we, as Christians, need to hear. I want it discussed. I hope and pray that it will be lived as well.
So watch this space for more as we approach the release date of July 20, 2009. You’ll see the theme change as the cover design matures. You’ll see announcements about the advance copies. I sincerely hope you’ll see challenging discussion of the concepts this book presents.
But you’ll only keep up if you check back regularly!
In the comment thread to this post, feel free to discuss this book openly, honestly, and courteously.
–Henry Neufeld, Energion Publications