Mission Agencies Working Together

8:10 AM I often wonder what missions would look like if missionary agencies and churches actually worked together — as in “cooperatively.” I discussed this in my book Will You Join the Cause of Global Missions?

Just one generation ago missions was largely the work of large organizations that established “mission stations” in foreign countries. Today, missions is more a partnership between local churches in America with local churches in other nations. We need to repent of our independent, “let’s do it our way” mentality. The goal is to build inter-church discipling relationships that last. Unfortunately, many U.S. mission teams fail to coordinate their endeavors with the churches of host locations. Recently a student of mine mentioned that his local church was going to plant a new church in China. I asked him, “Have you ever considered simply going to China and asking the existing churches there how you can come alongside them and help?” Failing to understand and connect with God’s already-at-work global purpose is one of the greatest mistakes we can make as churches. More and more local churches in America are forging effective partnerships with local churches in foreign nations, asking how they can best serve the needs in those countries. When done well, everybody benefits through this kind of beautiful partnership, and Christ is honored as His people submit to one another in love.

I know its sounds loopy. But it’s possible. It really is.

(From Dave Black Online. David Alan Black is the author of Energion titles Christian Archy, The Jesus ParadigmWhy Four Gospels? and  Will You Join the Cause of Global Missions?. Used by permission.)